The Best Piano Scales Book to Learn Piano Scales Fast

The Ultimate Piano Scale Book for Beginners

Are you looking for a piano scale book for beginners? Do you want to learn piano scales fast and fluently? You might be at the beginning of your piano journey, and are just looking to learn piano scale fingerings, or you may be trying to learn all of the major and minor piano scales. Maybe you are farther along in your journey, looking for some new piano warm-ups to use at the beginning of your practice session. Either way, you need a reliable resource to follow and learn more about the piano scales. This piano scale book for beginners and experience players alike will help you along your journey.

Most beginner piano scale books are limited in what they offer. Sometimes, they will include a handful of major scales and none of the minor scales. Perhaps these books have all of the piano scales, but don’t outline detailed fingerings, which are essential to learn piano scales fast and fluently. It can be difficult to find a piano scale book for beginners, with a comprehensive guide to learning major and minor piano scales. That’s where this piano scales book comes in handy. It will help you learn piano scales fast and thoroughly.

This piano scale book for beginners and experienced students alike includes all of the major and natural minor scales. They are presented as relative major and minor sets, and move through the circle of fifths for an organic flow of learning new finger patterns. The piano scale fingerings are introduced with numbers over images of the piano keys, to help visual learners to learn piano scales fast. Using this piano scales book, you will even learn how to continue your scales up and down the piano in multiple octaves. Here are some of the details included in the piano scales book which makes it the perfect piano scale book for beginners.

What is included in the Piano Scales Book

  • What is a scale?

    The first thing to know about piano scales is what the heck even is a scale, and why should I play them? Scales are a series of notes that create a tonal center for a song. If you play a scale as a warm-up for a song, it is likely that you have played all or most of the notes that will show up in that song. In Western music, a scale usually contains 7 distinct pitches, and usually imply a major tonality or a minor tonality. There are other types of scales that you may occasionally encounter, but as a piano scale book for beginners, this resource focuses of major and natural minor scales.

    Scales have different relationships to one another, which is demonstrated with the circle of fifths in the front cover of this piano scale book for beginners and experienced players alike. This circle of fifths is a strategy for moving from one key center to another. This piano scales book includes all of the major and natural minor scales, as well as a series of piano warm-ups and practice tips for the scales. Scales can be used to deepen your harmonic understanding of a song, or as a technical exercise that can be used as part of your piano warm-ups, which makes them a versatile component to build into your practice routine.

  • How do you build a scale?

    This piano scales book demonstrates how to build major and natural minor scales from scratch. With this method, even if you forget the notes that belong in a scale, and you don’t have the piano scales book pdf with you, you will be able to construct a piano scale note by note. These scales are built using a formula of half steps and whole steps, and once you know one scale, you can translate that knowledge to other key centers. Understanding how a scale is built will deepen your understanding of how music functions, and will help you to make connections between patterns that show up in different styles of music.

    Building a scale from scratch might sound complicated, but this piano scale book for beginners breaks the process down into bite sized steps. By knowing how a scales is built, you only need to remember one set of information, instead of feeling like you have to memorize 12 different individual patterns for each scale! There are a lot of different ways to approach this information, and this piano scales book models scale building with half steps and whole steps, as well as ways to translate that information from one scale to another. Seeing this process in a variety of ways should help make some sense of what scales are and how they relate the the music that we are playing. This method will also make it easier to remember all of the different scales, which will help you learn piano scales fast.

  • How to group & organize different types of scales.

    One complaint I have about the usual piano scale book for beginners is the way that they introduce and present new types of scales. Many of these books will introduce a handful of major scales, and often only scales that are close in proximity on the keys to each other. There is no organic flow or connection between those scales, which can make it confusing to learn a number of different scales, especially when using a piano scale book for beginners. This piano scale book for beginners and more experienced students is organized in a way that shows relationships between the different scales, to help build connections between the different key centers.

    The absolute best way to learn piano scales fast is to work through the scales in combinations of relative major and minor scales, and to move through the scales using the circle of fifths. This means that rather than practicing a scale in isolation, you can practice it in context with other scales, and learn groups or sets of scales together as you gain fluency. This is a great way to approach piano scales if you are using them as a part of your piano warm-ups. In this piano scales book, each major scale is presented with its relative minor scale, and the scales are introduced in the order of the circle of fifths.

  • What fingering should I use? And why??

    One of the unique elements that makes this scale book stand apart from all others is its visual arrangement. If you are looking for a piano scale book for beginners to help you learn piano scales fast and fluently, the images of the keys and finger patterns will help you get started, even as you are still decoding music notation and learning your way around sharps and flats. There are best fingerings to use for each scale, and scales are one of the few things in your piano journey where you absolutely want to go slow and learn the correct fingering. While many finger patterns in music are relative to the size and mobility of your particular hand, scale fingerings are universal, and the patterns included in this piano scales book are the best ones to use, especially if you are trying to learn piano scales fast and accurately.

    Notations are included in this piano scales book, but the real substance of this piano scales book is in the image of the piano keyboard, with the best fingering given for each hand. That coupling of the layout of the keyboard with the music notation is what makes this the best piano scale book for beginners. Each piano scale has a fingering that works best for that arrangement of piano keys, and many of those keys have physical movements in common with one another. Using this piano scale book for beginners from the beginning will set you up with a reliable foundation as your playing advances.

  • How do you play multiple octaves?

    Not every instrument can play four or more octaves of scales fluidly. Piano is one of the instruments with the most range, which means it is helpful to be able to move up and down the instrument fluidly. Most versions of a piano scale book for beginners will not give the option for moving up and down multiple octaves. This is a subtle shift in fingerings, and it can be helpful to know about this variation early on in your practice. Once you have accomplished playing a new scale fluidly, it is worthwhile to try expanding that scale into at least a two octaves.

    This piano scales book offers the finger variations, to show what finger to use depending on whether you are playing a single octave scale or multiple octaves. Once you can play a piano scale for two octaves, you actually have the ability to play that scale all the way up and down the piano, which can be a pretty cool trick. Playing a scale for multiple octaves also makes a great addition to your piano warm-ups, and integrates repetition into your practice in a subtle way. Once you start playing your scales in multiple octaves, you will learn your piano scales fast.

  • How to practice piano scales

    Scales are pretty simple to construct- they use the same patterns, and start on different notes. Despite their simple construction, scales can be pretty difficult to wrap our brains around, and it can be challenging to learn piano scales fast and fluently. Another thing often missing in any piano scales book, especially in a piano scale book for beginners, is a detailed practice guide. To learn piano scales fast, it is important to practice the scales consistently, and in a variety of ways. This book includes tips for practicing piano scales that makes it easy to insert into your routine as a series of piano warm-ups.

    You can use this piano scale book for beginners include ways to test your cognitive understanding of each scale, as well as your physical muscle memory and fluidity when using the correct scale fingerings. When learning an instrument, it is important to constantly revisit and reconstruct your understanding of a concept and your physical execution of that skill. This piano scales book will give you new ways to approach remembering and understanding the make-up of a major or minor scale, as well as technical exercises that can be used to drill new skills or to implement as a part of your piano warm-ups.

Use this book to learn piano scales fast

This piano scale book for beginners is the best place to start if you want to learn piano scales fast. This piano scales book is unique in its configuration of major piano scales and relative minor piano scales, in the explanation of how a scale is formed and organized, the best approaches for practicing piano scales or using them as a piano warm-up, and the visual explanation of each piano scale fingering. I designed this piano scales book for beginners and experienced players alike, with the goal of connecting foundational details in a clear way that makes it easy to learn piano scales fast.

This is a great piano scale book for beginners because it is comprehensive, and presents new concepts with images and descriptive terms, rather than just a list of notated scales and finger numbers. This piano scales book breaks down what a scale is, how they are related to each other, and all of the details to learn piano scales fast and thoroughly. This is also a great piano scale book for beginners because of the suggested methods for practicing scales.

If you are trying to understand music or integrate new piano warm-ups into your practice routines, this piano scale book for beginners and experienced players alike is the best place to start. If your goal is to learn piano scales fast and comprehensively, understanding how a scale is built and learning how to play them fluidly, this is the piano scales book for you.

This piano scales book is available as a physical book, or as a piano scales book pdf copy, if you would rather have a digital copy to access on multiple devices or to print out at home immediately. You can buy this book below, or you can browse other piano resources at the sheet music & music zine shop here. If you are interested in taking a private piano lesson, you can find more details here.


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